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    What information do you collect and store when I sign up for your service?

    To maximize your privacy, you will not be asked for any personal information like your name, physical address, phone number, and even email address. This also means that we have no way to contact you in the event of any account issues, network downtime, etc. If you wish to provide us with an email address so we can contact you about future issues you can optionally add one in the client area after signup. We will also not log any personally identifiable information e.g. IP address.

    Depending on how payment for the service is made, some payment information may be related to your account. For example, if PayPal is used to pay for the service, a PayPal transaction ID will be associated with your account (as well as the subscription ID if a PayPal subscription has been set up).

    Date of payment Amount Payment method Transaction ID Subscription ID
    2020-01-24 $100 Paypal XXX XXX

    IVPN is subject to EU law and is in compliance with the EU Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC), which prohibits companies from transferring data to overseas jurisdictions with weaker privacy laws. IVPN will not locate servers in countries where it’s forced to break this compliance. Due to the nature of our logging practices, VPN servers do not contain any personally identifiable information and thus, if seized, could not be used to identify users.

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