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IVPN preparing for 6th annual security audit

IVPN preparing for 6th annual security audit

Consistent with our pledge to conduct a yearly review of our systems, we have commissioned the independent security auditing organisation Cure53 to perform a security audit in March 2024. As we remarked last year, audits we arrange focus on parts of our systems that received significant updates.

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Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Equipped with a BTC Lightning wallet and some sats, you can now set up an IVPN WireGuard tunnel in minutes without creating an account or sharing any personal information. Benefits of using IVPN Light: Short duration access option, you can get a “throwaway” VPN tunnel for 3 hours or up to 30 days duration Priced in sats and affordable - you can purchase access for as little as 500 sats (3 hours) Access up to 5 locations or 1 entry-exit node MultiHop combination with one payment No account required - we only keep a record of your Lightning payment on our self-hosted BTCPayServer, no personal information is collected Differences versus a regular IVPN subscription:

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IVPN TunnelCrack vulnerability assessment
Privacy & Security

IVPN TunnelCrack vulnerability assessment

Context TunnelCrack is the combination of two independent security vulnerabilities (LocalNet attack and ServerIP attack) that affect VPN applications. The research paper detailing these vulnerabilities was published and presented on 11 August 2023. IVPN apps were not tested by the researchers, and unlike other providers, we did not receive a vulnerability disclosure.

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Change of company name to IVPN Limited

Change of company name to IVPN Limited

We have officially changed the name of the company operating IVPN from Privatus Limited to IVPN Limited. Ownership structure, jurisdiction, address and administrative registration details are unchanged. The reason for this move is to bring our product and brand name into alignment, reducing confusion and providing clarity to customers, partners and other parties about the operator of the service.

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