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Resist Online Surveillance

What you do online can be tracked by organizations you may not know or trust and become part of a permanent record. A VPN can’t solve this on its own, but can prevent your ISP from being able to share or sell your data.

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No logs

We do not log any user activity relating to the use of the VPN service, as explained in our clear privacy policy.

No customer data

We’re a privacy service, so we don’t collect or store any personal data on sign-up, not even your email. We also accept cash, monero and bitcoin.

Open-source apps and website

This website and the IVPN app for all platforms are open-source for additional transparency and security.

No cloud services or data storage

All servers managing the IVPN service are self-hosted and operated by IVPN, including email and customer service.

Independent security audits

We commit to annual security audits to improve our security practices and transparency.

No fake reviews

We never pay for reviews and do not have an affiliate program, so you won’t find us on the ’top 10 best VPN’ lists.

No false promises or fluff

We don’t promise anonymity or ‘military grade encryption’. We publish extensive privacy guides and educate our customers on what a VPN can realistically achieve.

Privacy advocates

We donate regularly to organizations fighting for the right to privacy like the EFF, Open Rights Group, and the Tor project.


Our business model is exclusively based on paid subscriptions. We do not own any other VPN services or VPN review sites. Review the team operating IVPN and the company ownership.


Choice of WireGuard, OpenVPN or IPSec protocols using either the IVPN apps or any other compatible VPN client.
WireGuard privacy controls - Define a custom schedule for automatic key and IP address rotation.
AntiTracker that blocks ads, adware, malicious websites and data harvesting trackers.
Killswitch / Firewall option on macOS, Windows, Linux, Android and using the built-in On-demand feature on iOS. Offers protection against DNS, IPv6, disconnection and WebRTC leaks.
Private non-logging DNS servers accessible through our VPN.
Light features image Dark features image
Multi-hop VPN routes. Connect through multiple servers in separate jurisdictions for enhanced privacy.
Define trusted Wi-Fi networks and create rules for automatic connection / disconnection.
Pause VPN for when you need to disable the VPN temporarily after which connection is automatically restored (except iOS).
Obfsproxy to circumvent censorship (Windows, macOS and Linux clients).

Do you really need a VPN?

Despite what many VPN providers advertise VPNs are useless (at best ineffective) at:

  • Achieving anonymity.
  • Preventing Google or Facebook from collecting your private data.
  • Preventing unwanted profiling by social networks or search engines.
  • Providing better security when ‘working from home’.
  • Protecting your passwords.
  • Hiding your mobile phone location (GPS).
  • Helping you avoid data breaches on services you use online.
  • Defending against “cyber threats” and identity theft.

Do not rely on a VPN to protect you in any of the above scenarios.

However, a trustworthy VPN can be very effective at:

  • Encrypting your data so your ISP or mobile network provider cannot monitor or log your online activity. Without a VPN, HTTPS still exposes the domain name or IP address you are visiting to the ISP.
  • Encrypting your DNS requests so your ISP or mobile network provider cannot monitor or log the domains you visit.
  • Increasing your security on untrusted public networks by preventing MITM attacks.
  • Masking your IP address from websites and servers you connect to.
  • Circumventing censorship or geographical blocks on websites and content.
Using a VPN should be part of an overall strategy to protect your privacy - but only if you trust the VPN provider more than your ISP.

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