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Posts about WireGuard

Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Equipped with a BTC Lightning wallet and some sats, you can now set up an IVPN WireGuard tunnel in minutes without creating an account or sharing any personal information. Benefits of using IVPN Light: Short duration access option, you can get a “throwaway” VPN tunnel for 3 hours or up to 30 days duration Priced in sats and affordable - you can purchase access for as little as 500 sats (3 hours) Access up to 5 locations or 1 entry-exit node MultiHop combination with one payment No account required - we only keep a record of your Lightning payment on our self-hosted BTCPayServer, no personal information is collected Differences versus a regular IVPN subscription:

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WireGuard Port Forwarding enabled

WireGuard Port Forwarding enabled

July 2023 update: Port Forwarding is being phased out from the IVPN service and is no longer offered to new customers. You can find more information in a blog post about this change. After the recent addition of Multi-Hop for WireGuard, we are now introducing port forwarding support for Wireguard.

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IPv6 (over IPv4) available for testing

IPv6 (over IPv4) available for testing

We now provide the option to receive an IPv6 address when connecting to our servers using WireGuard. This enables those with only an IPv4 address to access the IPv6 Internet. Access to IPv6 to connect to our servers using IPv6 is under development, and not yet included in this update.

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Windows support and privacy improvements for WireGuard

Windows support and privacy improvements for WireGuard

When picking a VPN service there are multiple criteria for evaluation, starting with questions like who owns the company behind it, whether your provider keeps logs and what happens with the data you share. Two further measures are usually on the top of the remaining list: the type of security the service provides and the connection speed you can achieve while using it.

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