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    How do I clear or flush my DNS cache?

    The following instructions will flush the cache of your DNS resolver. This may be necessary if you are having DNS issues or you have reset your DNS configuration.

    Windows 8 / Windows 10

    1. On Windows 8 press the Windows Key or hover your mouse over the bottom left corner and click the Windows Icon. On Windows 10 click on the start button.
    2. Begin typing Command Prompt.
    3. Right-click the application and select Run as Administrator.
    4. Enter the following command followed by the enter button:
      ipconfig /flushdns


    1. Click the Terminal icon in the dock or in Finder under Application/Utilities/Terminal.
    2. Enter the following command followed by the enter button:
      sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder


    1. Open a terminal window (gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, etc.).
    2. Enter the following command followed by the enter button:
      sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart

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