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    OBFS3 and OBFS4 Obfuscation with Obfsproxy to Circumvent Censorship

    In some countries (like China, Iran, Vietnam, etc.), the government utilizes a very restrictive firewall and enforces local ISPs to throttle and block the traffic via Deep Packet Inspection. Work around these restrictions with the help of obfs4proxy by masking the VPN traffic. This article offers details on using OBFS3 or OBFS4 with a single-hop or Multi-hop OpenVPN connection over TCP.

    Our IVPN Linux client includes obfsproxy support. Check it out here
    1. Install the OBFS4 proxy package:

      Debian, Ubuntu, Mint: sudo apt install obfs4proxy

      Fedora: sudo dnf install obfs4

      openSUSE: sudo zypper install obfs4

      Arch, Manjaro:

    2. Create a helper script to set proxy variables and launch the obfs4proxy service:

      $ nano /path/to/
      echo "Keep this running for the duration of the OpenVPN connection."
      echo "Use Ctrl+c two times to exit."
      mkdir -p /tmp/obfs
      export TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=obfs3,obfs4
      export TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION=/tmp/obfs

      Press Ctrl+x to save and exit the nano editor. Make the script executable with chmod +x /path/to/ Be sure to use a real file location (not /path/to/).

      This script creates a local proxy service for both OBFS3 and OBFS4. Adjust the export TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=obfs3,obfs4 line if required (ie. export TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=obfs4 for OBFS4 only).

    3. Generate a single-hop OpenVPN configuration file:

      IVPN OpenVPN configuration generator:

      In step 2 of the configuration generator, choose any TCP port for Protocol / Port and select Use hostnames.

    4. Edit the OpenVPN configuration file (ie. using nano, vim, or any text editor you prefer):

      OBFS3 single-hop: Change line 4 port to 5145

      OBFS4 single-hop: Change line 4 port to 5146

      OBFS3 Multi-hop:

      • Change line 4 port to the exit server’s OBFS 3 MultiHop Port from the server status page (ie. fr1 = 23402, jp2 = 20831, us-ca3 = 21302)
      • Change line 16 name-prefix to match the exit server (ie. fr, jp, us-ca)

      OBFS4 Multi-hop:

      • Change line 4 port to the exit server’s OBFS 4 MultiHop Port from the server status page (ie. fr1 = 23403, jp2 = 20832, us-ca3 = 21303)
      • Change line 16 name-prefix to match the exit server (ie. fr, jp, us-ca)

      For all connections (OBFS3, OBFS4, single-hop, Multi-hop), add four lines after verb 3:

      tls-timeout 4
      txqueuelen 1024      # Linux only
      connect-retry-max 3  # adjust as required
      route xx.xx.xx.xx yy.yy.yy.yy

      Use the IP address from line 4 of the OpenVPN configuration file to replace xx.xx.xx.xx and use your network’s default gateway IP address to replace yy.yy.yy.yy. Run ip route | grep default to identify the default gateway IP address for your system.

      Save the file (ie. Taiwan-obfs4.ovpn).

    5. OBFS4 Only - Create a socks5_auth file:

      This file contains the VPN server’s public key/certificate and the Inter-Arrival Timing (IAT) mode (elapsed time after receipt of a packet until the next packet arrives).

      cert=…; use the OBFS 4 Public Key from the server status page for the server your traffic exits from. A semi-colon at end of line is required.

      iat-mode= can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines packet segmentation rules:

      • 0 = disabled: packets are segmented by the network, network fingerprints could be detected
      • 1 = enabled: packets are segmented by the OBFS4 proxy, maximum payload is 1448 bytes, prevents re-assembly for analysis
      • 2 = paranoid: random packet size, prevents re-assembly for analysis, uncommon and may or may not offer benefits

      There will likely be a performance decrease for the VPN connection with IAT-modes 1 and 2.

      Example: socks5_auth with IAT-mode 0:


      Save the file to a convenient location (ie. ~/socks5_auth_fr1, /path/to/socks5_auth_us-ca3).

    6. Launch the helper script and keep it running (ie. do not close the terminal window):

      $ /path/to/
      Keep this running for the duration of the OpenVPN connection.
      Use Ctrl+c two times to exit.
      VERSION 1
      CMETHOD obfs3 socks5
      CMETHOD obfs4 socks5

      aaaaa is the port number for OBFS3 connections.

      bbbbb is the port number for OBFS4 connections.

      The port numbers are random and change each time obfs4proxy is launched (via the helper script).

    7. Start the OpenVPN connection and keep the terminal window open:

      Replace aaaaa and bbbbb in the commands below with the actual port numbers from the step above.

      OBFS3 single-hop or Multi-hop:

      sudo openvpn --config /path/to/France-obfs3.ovpn --socks-proxy aaaaa

      OBFS4 single-hop:

      sudo openvpn --config /path/to/France-obfs4.ovpn --socks-proxy bbbbb ~/socks5_auth_fr1

      OBFS4 Multi-hop, the socks5_auth file is for the exit server:

      sudo openvpn --config /path/to/France2Portugal-obfs4.ovpn --socks-proxy bbbbb /path/to/socks5_auth_pt1

      Note: Use a chained command with a variable to determine the random port to help with scripts and automation instead of manually replacing aaaaa and bbbbb:

      OBFS3PORT=$(ss -ltp | grep obfs4proxy | grep "fd=3" | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F":" '{ print $2 }')
      OBFS4PORT=$(ss -ltp | grep obfs4proxy | grep "fd=4" | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F":" '{ print $2 }')
    8. Run a DNS leak test to verify the connection.

    9. Disconnect the OpenVPN connection first by using Ctrl+c in the OpenVPN terminal. Stop the proxy service by using Ctrl+c twice in the other terminal.


    • DNS leak

    • IPv6 leak:

      • Use a firewall to allow connection to TCP port 5145 (OBFS3, single-hop), 5146 (OBFS4, single-hop), and/or any required 2xxxx port for Multi-hop using iptables or ufw.

      • Disable IPv6:

      echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
      echo 'net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
      echo 'net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
      sudo sysctl -p

      Note: Change the three disable_ipv6=1 to disable_ipv6=0 to re-enable IPv6.

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