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Updated desktop apps for Windows and macOS

Releases By Ed Holden | Posted on February 13, 2018

Updated desktop apps for Windows and macOS

Today we’re pleased to release updates for our mac and windows clients. The new clients are available immediately for new and existing customers. To download the latest version, just visit the IVPN for macOS and IVPN for Windows pages.

The aim of this update it to bring our desktop apps in line with our new android and iOS apps in terms of layout, design and usability, and to build on the feedback we’ve received from our users.

Update summary

A few bigger changes:

How can I get it?

To download the latest version, just visit the IVPN for macOS and IVPN for Windows pages. If you do not upgrade right away, don’t worry, your client will automatically update in the next few weeks.

How can I let you know what I think of it?

As always, please let us know what you think about the changes we’ve made, and what you think we should do next by emailing

P.S if you haven’t already, please download our mobile apps for iOS and Android.

A few months back we did a quiet launch of our mobile apps for Android and iOS. We wanted to ensure they were as stable and polished as we could before general release. We’re now looking to make these available to all of our users. That means no more openVPN configurations on mobile.

You can download the apps by visiting the IVPN for iOS and IVPN for android pages, or if you’re on desktop, just scan these QR codes.

Android button

Android button

We invite you to discuss this post in our Reddit community or on Twitter. You can also send your feedback to




Very happy with the Android app! Any chance you’ll make a similar app for Linux/Ubuntu as well?

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Introducing device management for better control of logged in devices Releases

Introducing device management for better control of logged in devices

Posted on February 13, 2024 by Viktor Vecsei

We are introducing IVPN device management, an opt-in (disabled by default) feature that helps you review and log out from devices currently logged in to IVPN apps. This step is a direct response to frequent customer requests for better device controls.
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Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Posted on September 15, 2023 by Viktor Vecsei

Equipped with a BTC Lightning wallet and some sats, you can now set up an IVPN WireGuard tunnel in minutes without creating an account or sharing any personal information. Benefits of using IVPN Light: Short duration access option, you can get a “throwaway” VPN tunnel for 3 hours or up to 30 days duration Priced in sats and affordable - you can purchase access for as little as 500 sats (3 hours) Access up to 5 locations or 1 entry-exit node MultiHop combination with one payment No account required - we only keep a record of your Lightning payment on our self-hosted BTCPayServer, no personal information is collected Differences versus a regular IVPN subscription:
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