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IVPN for iOS now offers DNS over HTTPS

Releases By Juraj Hilje | Posted on March 18, 2021

We are introducing DNS over HTTPS with the latest version of IVPN for iOS (2.3.0), out now.

What are the new options available?

To make use of these changes you need iOS 14 or later installed on your devices.

DNS over HTTPS is only available with OpenVPN and WireGuard protocols. For IKEv2 we had to disable this feature due to a bug in iOS 14 that prevents using NEDNSSettingsManager API and NEVPNManager API together from the same container app, resulting in identifier conflict error. We plan to enable the feature for future iOS releases as soon as Apple fixes this issue.

Further changes in this version:

Apps Open source
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Introducing device management for better control of logged in devices

Posted on February 13, 2024 by Viktor Vecsei

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Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning Releases

Launch of IVPN Light - short-term VPN access paid with BTC Lightning

Posted on September 15, 2023 by Viktor Vecsei

Equipped with a BTC Lightning wallet and some sats, you can now set up an IVPN WireGuard tunnel in minutes without creating an account or sharing any personal information. Benefits of using IVPN Light: Short duration access option, you can get a “throwaway” VPN tunnel for 3 hours or up to 30 days duration Priced in sats and affordable - you can purchase access for as little as 500 sats (3 hours) Access up to 5 locations or 1 entry-exit node MultiHop combination with one payment No account required - we only keep a record of your Lightning payment on our self-hosted BTCPayServer, no personal information is collected Differences versus a regular IVPN subscription:
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