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    Windows - “Warning, route gateway is not reachable”

    This error is likely to be caused by corruption in the TCP stack on your system. To resolve this try the following:

    1. Open command console - press 'Windows' button-> type cmd -> right-click & hit Run as Administrator

    2. Execute the following commands:

      netsh dump netsh
      netsh winsock reset
      netsh int ip reset
      ipconfig /flushdns
    3. Reboot your PC and try to connect once again.

    If the problem persists try adding a few configuration changes to the IVPN client:

    1. In the IVPN app navigate to 'Settings' -> 'OpenVPN' tab.

    2. Add the following configuration:

      route-delay 5
      route-method exe
      ip-win32 netsh
    3. Apply the changes and reconnect.

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